Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Snow Fort.

How I wanted it to be.

How dad wanted it to be. Tell me which one you think is better in your comment. PLEASE!!!!

Dessing Up.

MaryJane likes posing,so here she is posing for the camera in her snow suit.

Boy,Kate and Lindy sure like each other.

Very Snowy

My mom went out to the front yard and took some pictures of all the snow that fell, on the day that school was cancled!


Isn't that COOL!

Fun In The Snow.

Snow fell like FIVE times in a row! School was even cancled one time it snowed! Boy,was that a fun day. We made a snow fort and a snow man and got all dressed up. It was my idea to build the snow fort.

Here is our snow man. My dad put his metalica hat on it.

Here is our snow man again with me hugging it.
Here he is without his hat.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Making Gingerbread Cookies

Me,Bryn,Lindy,and Mary Jane are making ginger bread. So cool!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Playing with a ball.

I think Kate likes the way balls taste.

Kate is saying"Cheese".

Saying cheese again.

"I don't want it" "Yes you do" "No I don't"


I was outside taking pictures of clouds and I took pictures of these.

I like how this cloud is so smooth.
This cloud looks like popcorn.

Is kate upside-down or am I?

I like grabbing Kate and holding her upside-down. As you can see she is scared to death about it.

Tickle attack

Okay so I was getting tickled by Lindy and then Dad came over and started tickling me.

Then Lindy gets pay back. Muuuuhahhhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huge fan

I went shopping at D.I. and I found this fan. It is 1ft 7in long.HUGE!!!

As you can see this fan is really long.

Wow this fan is even bigger than my head.

This fan is really wide too. It is 2ft wide.