Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Harry Potter Movie Marathon

Ok, I say in my little thing on the side, that I LOVE Harry Potter. So I am having a HPMM. That means we will be watching all 6 Harry Potter films, in a row. Last year I did another one with only 5 films. Next year I will have another one with all 7 films. The 7th film is going to be split into 2 parts. The first part will come out November 12th, 2010 the 2 some time in July 2011.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It finally happened! Ms. Stanger is finally getting married, to Mr. Wesely Rowlette. She will be married in the St.Gorge Temple. Her reception is at the Sand Hollow Golf Course on the 5th of June. She is so exited! I am invited. She is 25 and Wes just turned 24. I hope you are exited, because I sure am.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Secret Identity?

What is my Mom hiding from her family? I saw this thing on 3-2-1- Penguins, a T.V. show on Cubo, and I had to pause the T.V. ! Here's what I saw,

Pleas excuse the focus... I took the picture on the T.V., you can see the pause thing on the bottom.

Monday, March 8, 2010


OK , sorry (see above) that I haven't posted in so long. I have not had time. I had to take this sixth grade math test to see if I would go into the regular math test or the higher one for 7! How silly. I have had piano, school, bed, read, more read, and lots of other stuff to keep me busy. So I just thought that I would post on the stuff I have to do. Bye!